Rails Runner

A Ruby on Rails newsletter & blog

Managing Multiple Redis Connection Pools in Rails

To my knowledge, there is no standard or conventional way to configure and manage multiple Redis connection pools in Rails, so in this article I’ll detail a simple strategy for doing so...

July 29, 2023

Read more about Managing Multiple Redis Connection Pools in Rails

Protecting your Rails App from Spam & Bots

Preventing spam can be an evolving game of whack-a-mole and what you learn from observing, will drive what and how you block certain behaviors as well as what you monitor...

March 6, 2022

Read more about Protecting your Rails App from Spam & Bots

Building a Public Facing API with Ruby on Rails - An In Depth Guide

How should you format your API keys and how should they be stored and encrypted? How do you allow users to gracefully roll a new API key? How do you handle permissions and authorization? These are just some of the decisions you’ll have to make....

January 23, 2022

Read more about Building a Public Facing API with Ruby on Rails - An In Depth Guide